Montreal: Konferenz „What does heritage change?“ im Juni 2016
Eine der bedeutendsten Konferenzreihen zu Grundsatzfragen von Denkmalschutz und Denkmalpflege, aber auch des Kulturellen Erbes überhaupt findet 2016 ihre Fortsetzung im kanadischen Montreal…
The Conference enquires about the manifestations, the discourses, the epistemologies, the policies, and the stakes of heritage, as a phenomenon, a symptom, an effect or a catalyst, tool of empowerment or leverage, physical or intangible restraint or kick-off, in a community, a society, or any material or mental environment. Subthemes range from gender-related issues to identity-making, mythologies of cultural diversity and the rethinking of heritage policies beyond the authorized heritage discourse.
We are pleased to welcome you in Montreal for this 2016 edition of ACHS Conference.
This conference builds on the momentum of the first Conference held at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) in June 2012, and of the second Conference held at the Australian National University, Canberra (Australia), in December 2014, which attracted several hundreds of delegates from some 50 countries and all continents.
As a network of scholars and researchers working in the broad and interdisciplinary field of heritage studies, the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) promotes heritage as an area of critical enquiry by promoting dialogue and networking between researchers from different fields and disciplinary backgrounds and between researchers, practitioners and activists.
Hosted by the Canada Research Chair on Urban Heritage at University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM), in partnership with the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling at Concordia University, the third Conference will take place in both universities located downtown Montreal.
With this 2016 edition, we wish to broaden the field of heritage studies by bringing innovative reflections from scientific and praxeological areas as diverse as possible. We seek to strengthen critical heritage studies as an inclusive area of theorization, investigation, decision-making, and practice.
Welcome to Montréal,
Lucie K. Morisset and Luc Noppen
For the local organizing committee