Guijon: 15th International Conference about Industrial Heritage
Dear Friends,
We send you a program advance (download from our website) of the 15th International Conference about Industrial Heritage, entitled Maritime, River and Fishing Heritage, in Gijón (Asturias) from the 25h to the 29th of September 2013.
In this occasion, the objective of the conference is to present, reflect and discuss about a large agenda on maritime, river and fishing industrial heritage and the activities related with them, always from an interdisciplinary point of view: about identity, sustainability, technical and practices, history, architecture and town planning, transport, tourism, landscape and sustainability.
We request to book soon in the conference and the complementary activities in order to ensure space in the bus, especially for the 29th of September route, because the seats are limited and we have to confirm the transport in advance. We will visit Gijón, Avilés, El Franco, Figueras, Ortigueira, Castropol, Ría del Eo, Ribadeo, Mariña Lucense.
On Sunday the 30th of September we will have the option to visit the Railway Museum of Asturias or do the “Cider Route” around Gijón urban area, with a pour out cider course included.
For de acceptance of communications, posters and lectures it must be required the previous sent of a summary or abstract about the content of it, with a maximum of 10 lines and with keywords. It must be delivered before the 10th of July of 2013. Once they will be evaluated for a commission of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, it will be communicated for their admission. For the posters, the measures will be A-1 and it must have the following structure: a header with a title, authors names and contact, followed by an abstract, four photographs and ending with the conclusions.
The official languages for de XV International Conference of Industrial Heritage are Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian and French.
The rules and dates to present papers and materials are explained in the attached documents. It is very important to follow the rules, because we edit a book with the materials of the Conference which will be delivered to the assistants for the edition of “The eyes of the Memory” collection’s book.
This year it will have colloquium and discussion sessions. The rules to make questions will be adjusted to a possible protocol to make the sessions more agile and motivate the participation.
The 31st of August, is the deadline to send photography to our 10th Contest and exhibition, reminding to possible interested this circumstance. (Contact for more information:
We are at your disposition to any kind of information, support and accommodation logistic, reminding that it is very important for us to know the arrival day and the way of transport chosen to facilitate assistance. For accommodations and hotels we can give you some options with different prices, being convenient to say us the place where you will be accommodated to inform you.
More information in our webpage:
For any management you can call or write to:
Irene García. Technical Secretary of INCUNA
Telephone/ Fax: 00 34 985319385
C/ La Muralla Nº 3 Entresuelo, zip Code 33202 Gijón (Asturias) Spain
We wait for your answer to share and advance projects, ideas and new future challenges, too.
Best Regards,
Miguel Ángel Álvarez Areces
President of TICCIH Spain and
President of INCUNA and 15th International Conference
of Industrial Heritage member of the Organizer Committee.
c/ La Muralla, 3
33202- Gijón ( Asturias)-Spain
Tfno/Fax 00 34 985319385