Lissabon: 1st Annual meeting Industry, History, Heritage vom 18.-20. April 2013
RIHP aims at being an interdisciplinary space, open and plural, of reflection and debate, committed to the promotion and development of activities from institutions, organizations and individuals, both from Portugal and abroad, interested in the studying of industry as a global social reality crucial to the understanding of the contemporary World’s history, in particular in its general relation with economic and social development, involving material and immaterial cultural heritage (technology and technical know-how, social and cultural practices, infrastructures, constructions, equipments and objects, sites and landscapes) associated with it.
The RIHP network maintains, among other actions envisaged to achieve the above mentioned objectives: (a) the creation of a joint digital platform, that includes the presentation of the members to the network, the publication of scientific content related to it’s thematic scope and the promotion and dissemination of the undertaken activities; (b) the organization of an annual meeting, usually in April, committed to the presentation of studies on the topic of History, Industry and Heritage.
The 1st Annual meeting Industry, History, Heritage will be held on April 18th, 19th and 20th 2013, in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at NOVA University of Lisbon. This international meeting is intended to be an open and multidisciplinary discussion forum, dedicated to the presentation of studies on the topic of industry’s history understanding them as global social realities that include material and immaterial heritage (technology, technical know-how, social practices, infrastructures, constructions, equipments and objects, sites and landscapes).
The 1st Annual Meeting Industry, History, Heritage will include a guided tour to be organized on April 20th and whose program will be announced shortly.
RIHP invites all researchers to take part in this first meeting, whose main aim is to reflect on the problematics of industrialization and the connections and dynamics between history, industry and heritage, considering the political, economic, social, cultural and geographic context that it comprises.
The conference includes papers delivered by invited speakers and presentations submitted through a call for papers.
The selection of papers will be oriented by the purpose of ensuring maximum quality and diversity of topics.
Paper submission: January 7th to March 15th 2013
Results announcement: Abril 1st 2013
Please submit: paper title, abstract (700 words), affiliation and a brief CV (1 page)
Working languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English
Each presentation will have no more than twenty minutes.
Organizing Committee
Maria Fernanda Rollo (IHC- FCSH)
Ana Paula Pires (IHC-FCSH)
Deolinda Folgado (IHC-FCSH)
Graça Filipe (IHC-FCSH)
João Paulo Avelãs Nunes (Ceis20 e FL-UC)
Jorge Custódio (IHC-FCSH)
Jorge Fernandes Alves (CITCEM e UP)
José Luís Assis (CHEFCI- UE)
Please send your identification (name, affiliation, email address and the abstract to
1st Annual Meeting, Industry, History, Heritage (in Spanish)
Instituto de História Contemporânea
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Av. de Berna, 26-C
1069-061 LISBOA
Maria Fernanda Rollo
Professora Associada com Agregação
Departamento de História da FCSH da UNL