Neues von TICCIH International
Die TICCIH-Zentrale weist auf drei kommende Veranstaltungen hin:
Online-Vorträge von TICCIH-USA
Join the Society for Industrial Archeology Wednesday, March 10 at 14:00 Eastern Time (US & Canada) for the 11th session of IA Online featuring presentations by two members of TICCIH:
Miles Oglethorpe – „Demonstrating the unique value of our Industrial Heritage“
Mike Nevell – „Digging the Bridgewater Canal: new fieldwork at the Worsley terminus“
Join us on Zoom:
Talks are roughly 10-15 minutes each, with 5 minutes of Q&A for each presenter. The end of the session is reserved for additional questions and discussion.
Also, videos of past IA Online presentations can be viewed on the SIA YouTube Channel.
Konferenz in Monterrey/Mexico (siehe Bild)
VIII International Congress on Industrial Heritage: New contexts and challenges of heritage management
CALL FOR PROPOSALS – Deadline 15 March 2021
12 – 14 May 2021 (Proposal deadline is 15 March)
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (Virtual Approach)
As a preview of the X Latin-American Colloquium, derived from the current pandemic conditions, the Industrial Heritage Preservation Committee of Nuevo Leon integrated by academic, private, governmental and civil society institutions, invites scholars, officials, artists, cultural managers and bachelor and graduate school students to present proposals in the form of lectures to participate in a virtual channel in its annual meeting, that will develop along the following thematic lines:
Studies and exploration of industrial Heritage
Archives, legacy, and identities of industrial past
Artistic expressions and the disclosure of industrial heritage
Industrial heritage management
For more details, please download the full Call for Proposals (PDF)
Konferenz in Prag
Central Europe towards Sustainable Building
4 -6 July 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – Deadline 1 June
The Czech Technical University in Prague is happy to announce that the sixth issue of the Central Europe towards Sustainable Building (CESB) conference will be held on July 4–6, 2022 in historical capital Prague, Czech Republic. The conference will be held under auspices of international conveners CIB, iiSBE, UNEP-SBCI, FIDIC and GABC, and belongs to the Sustainable Built Environment regional conference series leading towards the World Sustainable Built Environment conference on September 26–29, 2023 in Montreal, Canada.
The CESB22 objective is to present current activities in sustainable building with special focus on the Central Europe area, to bring ideas and international expertise to the region to contribute to its further development, and to share new insights arising within the Central Europe in order to enhance sustainable development in local and global scale.
Simultaneously with CESB22, a fourth iiSBE Forum of Young Researchers in Sustainable Building (YRSB22) will take place on 4 July 2022, focusing on actual PhD research in the field of sustainable building and sustainable and resilient built environment.
Conference topics related to industrial heritage include:
- Retrofitting of existing building stock
- Sustainable refurbishment of cultural and industrial heritage
For more information, visit the CESB website
If you are interested in presenting your work, please submit your abstract of 150–250 words in English electronically using the conference system available at by 1 June 2021