Innsbruck: Konferenz „Mining in European History“ im November 2012
With this call for papers we would like to encourage scientists from all fields related to research on prehistoric and historic mining to submit their abstracts. To enhance the interdisciplinary aspects in discussion and the transfer of results, we have reduced the scope of the conference to four sessions, which will cover the following themes:
I.) Resource Management
II.) Production & Technology
III.) Societal Interaction & Ecology
IV.) Data Base, Modelling & Geoinformation supporting Mining Research
We would especially like to encourage undergraduate and graduate students to attend to this meeting, reduced fees will be available for students as well as a travel award for the student with the longest travelling distance and a poster contest.
With regard to section III. (Societal Interaction & Ecology) it is evident, that the effects of mining on both the resident population and the environment are decisive factors in the economy of mining districts. Extensive mining activities associated with exploitation of natural resources and emissions of pollutants have a sustainable impact on the environment and thus a decisive stake in the relations between miners and non mining people. Furthermore, there are observable consequences on the social and economic structure of mining settlements. Our main focus is laid on the demography, mobility, migration networks, occupational structures and extent of trade relations as well as ecological devastation of mining districts from the Neolithic up to Modern Times. Here we expect interdisciplinary contributions from archaeology, European ethnology, history, linguistics and palaeo ecology to shed light on the impact of mining on cultures and environment.
Abstracts: To attend the Mining in European History Conference, please use the Abstract Submission Form from our Homepage and send your abstract until May 31, 2010.
Further informations can be found on our Homepage.
Forschungszentrum HiMAT
07.11.2012-10.11.2012, Innsbruck
Deadline: 31.05.2012
Kontakt: Klaus Brandstätter
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Universität Innsbruck